Speech by Arch Goldmann at the event “De Rerum Natura” organized by Level Office Landscape
Arch Isabella Goldmann took a lesson on 24 February 2023 in the “De Rerum Natura” event organized by Level Office Landscape. During her speech, the architect explained that the approach to the sustainability theme must result in applying the principles of bioclimatic architecture.
Arch Isabella Goldmann on the program “I Fatti Vostri” on Rai 2
During the program “I Fatti Vostri” on RAI 2, Italy’s state television channel, Arch Isabella Goldmann was remembered both for her role as a popularizer and television personality and as a bioclimatic architect, with accolades at the European level as well. Birthday wishes were offered to her on the occasion.
Progetto FILI: Goldmann & Partners in collaborazione con FNM
Goldmann & Partners SB collaborated with FNM SpA on the FILI project, one of Europa’s largest urban and extra-urban regeneration projects. This project consists of a redevelopment design of the main FERROVIENORD connection centers that is accompanied by urban mending interventions with the adoption of cutting-edge solutions in architectural design and environmental sustainability.
Interview with Isabella Goldmann at the Festival of Labor
The Festival del Lavoro is a traveling event organized by the National Council of the Order of Labor Consultants and the Fondazione Labor Consultants Studies. A unique event of its kind, it gives voice to all the protagonists of the world of work to reflect on issues concerning labor law and current events, analyze the world of work in constant change, and identify strategic solutions for the revitalization of businesses and the country.
Arch Goldmann spoke with a lecture at the June 2022 Festival del Lavoro in Bologna on the topic of sustainability in workplaces (and thus on healthiness and layout).
Bioarchitecture, Isabella Goldmann: “Unique building criteria of the future”
An interview with Isabella Goldmann on the topic of green architecture has been published in “The Good in Town: facts and people changing the World.”
The architect explains why it takes design intelligence to have more sustainable buildings and cities through green building and sustainable architecture, which are the new frontier of real estate.
A plan to revitalize stations and railways: FNM and Lombardy Region present “Fili”
Arch Isabella Goldmann will speak at the conference presenting the plan to revitalize and invest in the entire railway sector on the Malpensa-Milan axis, in view of the Milan-Cortina 2026 Winter Olympics.
It was presented on July 2, 2021, by FNM Spa together with Regione Lombardia: it will be called “FILI: Lombardy weaves its future” and will be one of the largest urban and suburban regeneration projects in Europe.
Ethics and Responsibility for real estate
The interview with Alessandro Cremona and Isabella Goldmann “Ethics and Responsibility for Real Estate” by Patrizio Valota, about the recent evolution of Goldmann&Partners in Benefit Company, was published in IlQi.
In this way, G&P has become one of the first in Italy to launch the new model of a responsible and sustainable society in the real estate sector.
Attached is the article “Ethics and Responsibility for Real Estate” (Italian version).

Sustainability requires a multi-stakeholder and multi-channel approach
GOLDMANN & PARTNERS was mentioned during the Fashion Week in Milan by Carlo Capasa, President of CNMI (Italian National Chamber of Fashion) about the “CNMI Principles for Retail Sustainability“.
International Research Centre for Advanced Sustainability (IRCAS) of Goldmann & Partners, with the endorsement of the National Institute of Bio architecture and the patronage of the Textile and Health Association, has drawn up this fundamental document on sustainability applied to retail which offers indications on the choices and design methodologies of sales spaces that can provide the best bioclimatic qualities and architectural and selling performance.

Workshop IL QI – Indoor pollution and wellness: living in healthy environments
On Thursday, December 5, 2019, the workshop “Indoor pollution and wellness: living in healthy environments” was held at the headquarter of Il Quotidiano Immobiliare, in Milan.
Isabella Goldmann, architect and managing partner of Goldmann&Partners participated as a speaker in the first panel entitled “Healthy spaces“.
Isabella Goldmann, Managing Partner Goldmann & Partners
Edoardo Paleari, Project Manager Design&Construction Area InvestRE SGR
Gianfranco Sassi, Key Account & Business Development Director Graniti Fiandre
Moderator: Marco Luraschi
New certification criteria
Maria Elena Gasperini, Manager Consultancy & Sustainability Jacobs / Board Member CD Chapter Lombardia GBC
Alessandro Roversi, Key Account Manager New Plants & Modernizations Schindler Italy
Mario Pinoli, CEO Greenwich
Moderator: Cristina Giua
Integrated Wellness: building and neighbourhood
Roberto Martino, Contractors Manager Real Estate GEWISS
Massimiliano Fadin, Marketing Product Manager Decoral
Daniele Guglielmino, Senior Sustainability Specialist GET Consulting
Moderator: Marco Luraschi
Technology, innovation and sustainability
Riccardo Corazza, Alpac Group Sales Engineer
Antonello Magliozzi, Head of Design Arcadis Italia

B Corp Best For The World 2019
Goldmann & Partners, just one year after obtaining the @BCorporation certification, and for the second year in a row, gets the global #BestForTheWorld2019 award for Overall. The award confirms the company’s verified positive impact on communities, the natural environment, and workers. The award recognizes the company’s ability to create products and/or services that optimize the performance of its customers by helping to reduce the energy and environmental impact of their activities.
The award for Environment recognizes the company’s ability to create products and/or services that optimize the performance of its customers by helping to reduce the energy and environmental impact of their activities.
Goldmann & Partners has also been recognized in the Workers category, which rewards the quality of the company’s relationships with its employees and collaborators, recognizing the company’s proactive approach to its human resources.
We consider this award as an important recognition for the strong commitment we have always put into making this world the best possible.

OPERATION GRETA: The mistakes of a just climate battle
GOLDMANN & PARTNERS cited in this extended interview with Alberto Contri, former President of Pubblicità Progresso. For many years we have been carrying on the alarm on climate change and indicating the solutions that each of us can apply in his daily life.

2019 Sustainable Development Festival
Monday 3 June, at the headquarters of the A.P.P.C. located in Genoa, was held the conference organized by Aidia Genoa: “Projects for a sustainable future”
A group of experts took part, including Isabella Goldmann, architect, managing partner of Goldmann & Partners and director of IRCAS – Intl. Research centre for the applied sustainability with a lecture entitled: “Sustainable technologies in construction“.

23 May 2019 – 16:00 – 18:00 – Via Curtatone 1 – Firenze (FI)
As part of the International Master’s Degree in Fashion Retail Management held in Florence at the International Fashion Polytechnic (POLIMODA), architect Isabella Goldmann, managing partner of Goldmann&Partners, gave a lecture entitled: “How to apply the sustainability principles to the retail space” promoted by Out of Fashion.

04 April 2019 – 08:45 – 13:30 – Innovation Campus Milan – via Lombardia 2/a – Peschiera Borromeo (MI)
On the occasion of the conference organized by Il Quotidiano Immobiliare on the topics relating to the first quarter of 2019 of the real estate investments report, Architect Isabella Goldmann, managing partner of Goldmann & Partners, will partecipate with a speech on the physical health produced or compromised by the buildings in which we live. The initial assumption is based on the concept that well-being is always linked to materials and compensation of this system. During her speech she will introduce the latest book, published by the Veronesi Foundation, “Indoor Pollution”, the result of a joint research involving Fondazione Veronesi and G&P Research Center (IRCAS). The book studies the direct relationship between chronic and fatal diseases and insufficiently sustainable architecture.
PROGRAMME Presentation of the project_PALAZZO PITAGORA (Rome)_Star Michele (Torre sgr spa) Presentation of the project_NUOVA SEDE FANUC ITALIA (Lainate, MI)_Berardi Carlo (Ediltecno Restauri) Speech: “How much is a healthy property worth? How to measure real estate well-being”. Intervention: “Is the epic of the NPL over? Results obtained and comparison with the situation five years ago” Intervention: “Foreign investments in Italian real estate: market sentiment”. Intervention: “Foreign investments in Italian real estate: positive factors and risks that slow down”. Conversation with: Dal Pastro Alexei_Convivio
– Goldmann Isabella (Goldmann & Partners)
– Miorin Thomas_Rebuild
– Davoglio Guido_Tekser
– Remotti Andrea_Kerakoll
– Sassi Gianfranco_Graniti Fiandre spa
– Dondi dall’Orologio Luca_Nomisma spa
– Scopigli Stefano_Yard
– Mazzetta Giuseppe Gabriele_Npls Re_Solution
– Piantanida Laura_Reaas
– Zago Paolo_Hera Holding
– Coticoni Stephen_BNP Paribas Real Estate Italy
– Marin Pierre_JLL spa
– Mazzanti Alessandro_Cbre Italy
– Sandberg Joachim_Cushman & Wakefield Italy
– Nicosia Roberto_Colliers International Italia spa
– Mazzi Massimo_Redilmat Italia srl
– Puri Negri Carlo Alessandro_Aedes Siiq spa
– Caputi Massimo_Feidos spa
– Buaron Daniel_First Atlantic Re
– Albertini Claudio_Igd Siiq
– Serrini Riccardo_Prelios spa

April 01, 2019 – 5:00 pm – 7:30 pm – Piccolo Teatro – Milan
The Piccolo Teatro hosts the farewell meeting of Alberto Contri, President. Arch Goldmann will participate, remembering the close collaboration between Goldmann & partners and Pubblicità Progresso.
Sergio Escobar – Director Piccolo Teatro di Milano
Massimo Bernardini – TV and Talk presenter
Giuseppe De Rita – President Censis Institute
Ferruccio De Bortoli – President Vidas
Nando Pagnoncelli – President Ipsos
Piero Angela – Journalist popularizer
Lorenzo Sassoli de Bianchi – President Upa
Massimo Bernardini – TV and Talk presenter
Alberto Coltri – President Pubblicità Progresso
Cristina Messa – Rector Milano Bicocca University
PANEL II “The most significant campaigns of the last twenty years”.
“Computer Literacy” (updating IT and English)
Salvatore Veca – Philosopher
Raffaele Barberio – Director key4biz
“So what” (respect for people with disabilities)
Stefano Zamagni – Economist
Ambrogio Lo Giudice – Lucio Dalla Director
“Organ Donation” (donor collection)
Davide Rondoni – Poet
Andrea Concato/ Roberto Fiamenghi – Creative Directors
Matteo Righi – Digital Project
“Puntosudite” (gender equality)
Chiara Saraceno – Sociologist
Vicky Gitto – ADCI President
Giovanni Bedeschi – Bedeschi Film
“Ciriesco’ (environment)
Livia Pomodoro – President Milan Center For Food Law and Policy
Davide Arduini – President Water Group
Giovanni Bedeschi – Bedeschi FilmMarco De Marinis – Gothacom Film
Isabella Goldmann – Goldmann & Partners
“The gift of gratuitousness”
Marco Tarquinio – Director of Avvenire

25 May 2018 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. – Fondazione Ferré, via Tortona 37
On the occasion of the sixth masterclass “Communicating sustainable fashion” of the “Out of fashion” course – a training course on the culture of conscious, ethical and innovative fashion organized by Connecting Cultures, architect Clara Simonetti, associate of Goldmann & Partners, will give a lecture on the design of a sales space directly connected with the theme of communication of sustainable fashion through the retail.
The research carried out by IRCAS (International Research Center for Applied Sustainability) of Goldmann & Partners on how to design sales spaces that meet all the requirements traceable with experiential marketing, will illustrate the main characteristics of a sustainable retail, always based on messages that the architecture of an enclosed space transfers to the brain, which consequently produces perceived well-being signals important for the conditioning of purchasing performance.

January 30, 2019 – 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. – Stelline Congress Center (Manzoni Hall) – Magenta, 61
Organized by Scenari Immobiliari – Independent Institute for Studies and Research. Arch Goldmann will speak about future trends in sustainability in real estate.
09.00 Registration of participants
09.30 Introduction by Mario Breglia – Scenari Immobiliari
Presentation of the annual Observatory Scenari Immobiliari ITALIA 3D – Outlook 2019
Thematic insights with sector experts on taxation, regulations, urban planning, architecture, economics, and finance:
10.00 MARKETS AND SCENARIOS 2019 by Gregorio De Felice – Intesa Sanpaolo
11.00 NOVELTIES IN THE URBANISTIC FIELD by Antonio Belvedere – Belvedere Inzaghi & Partners
11.30 Break
11.45 NEW TAXATION by Francesco Mantegazza – Pirola Pennuto Zei & Associati
12.15 THE NEW TRENDS OF SUSTAINABILITY IN BUILDING by Isabella Goldmann – Goldmann & Partners
12.45 THE NEW TRENDS IN ARCHITECTURE by Massimo Roj – CMR Project
13.15 Conclusions by Mario Breglia – Scenari Immobiliari
13.30 End of work

THE ENVIRONMENTAL EMERGENCY FRONT ENTERPRISES: Which strategies to minimize risks and increase sustainability
Isabella Goldmann, managing partner of Goldmann & Partners, participates in this conference organized by The Ruling Companies, with a speech “Sustainability reports and GRIs: how to produce objective data” about the importance of applied sustainability and circular economy.
Compared to only ten years ago, the commitment of companies in the environmental field has increased enormously and today nobody questions a decisive orientation for a truly sustainable economy, where the impact on the environment and the general and local ecosystem is minimized. The actions that are undertaken are part of a global strategy defined and promoted within supranational institutions and national policies. However, there is a fear that this will not be enough to counter the increasingly pronounced effects of global warming and climate change. Many scientists warn that environmental policies need to be strengthened because the effects of global pollution are leading the planet to a point of no return. On the other hand, not everyone is convinced that the situation is so serious and instead sends out reassuring signals. In Europe, for example, there is a tendency towards increasingly active policies, while the Trump Administration throws water on the fire, to the point that America has withdrawn from the Paris climate agreements. So what are we going to do? Which strategies and which actions can businesses, together with citizens, take if they have the greatest burden to bear? What is the urgency to be put into place? Which organization should adopt? These and other key issues will be addressed by key sustainability and environmental experts:
Luca Paolazzi, Independent Economist
Dario Scaffardi, Vice Chairman and General Manager, Saras
Isabella Goldmann, Chief Executive Officer, Goldmann & Partners
Giancarlo Morandi, Chairman, Cobat
10 April 2018 _ 3:00-7:00 pm – Hotel Four Season, Via del Gesù 6/8, Milan

Technical Workshop: LEED European ACPs for v4 BD+C
organised by GBCI Europe and Macro Design Studio
Date and time: wednesday 4 July 2018 – 14:00 – 18:00 CEST
Location: Goldmann & Partners – Piazza Arnoldo Mondadori, 3 – 20122 Milano
LEED Alternative Compliance Paths (ACPs) increase the applicability of LEED for projects around the world by providing additional pathways to demonstrate compliance with LEED credits. To understand how USGBC is addressing these dynamic market requirements, please join this workshop focused on the recently released ACPs (April 2018), as well as future system developments. This event is organized by GBCI Europe and Macro Design Studio with event partner GBC Italia, will feature Ingemar Hunold, the ACP research-lead from EnviroSustain GmbH, with contribution from UL’s Elena Veneziani on material databases as a source for credible sustainable product information.
The workshop will be held in English and Italian without translation.
13:30 Registration
14:00 Intro GBC Italia – Giuliano dall’O and Alessandro Lodigiani
14:20 Location & Transportation – LT Credits
Material & Resources – MR Credits
15:20 Material Databases featuring UL’s SPOT – Elena Veneziani
15:50 Networking Coffee Break
16:20 Energy & Atmosphere – EA Prerequisite and Credit
Indoor Environmental Quality – EQ Prerequisite (including clarification for Natural Ventilation requirements)
17:30 Debate on the application and future development of ACPs moderated by Andrea Fornasiero
18:00 End

Conference: DIGITAL WOMEN AND GIRLS: Skills, culture, and technology to grow
In collaboration with the EWMD Association (European Women’s Management Development is an international nonprofit network established in 1984 by women for women and men in management), involved in the “Europe is for Women” project of the European Parliament.
Isabella Goldmann, managing partner of Goldmann & Partners, will speak with a talk titled: “The digital design of architecture today: a crossroads between tradition and technology.”
March 14, 2018 _ 3 p.m. – European Parliament Office in Milan, Palazzo delle Stelline, Milan
15,00 15,30
- Welcome
- Greetings by Bruno Marasa
- Daniela Bandera: National President EWMD Italy
- Introduction to the topic: skills, culture, and technology to grow in the digital era.
15,30 – 16,50
- Adriana Albini: Extraordinary Professor of General Pathology – Department of Medicine and Surgery, the University of Milan-Bicocca_Scientific research in the era of “Precision Medicine”. Problems, perspectives, and new challenges.
- Lara Botta: Business Development Manager & Sales at BOTTA PACKAGING_Managing change in the era of Industry 4.0 with a view to continuous improvement.
- Claudia Canali: University lecturer, Researcher at the University of Modena, and Reggio Emilia_The valuable skills for living in the digital world.
- Isabella Goldmann: Bioclimatic architect and managing partner of Goldmann & Partners_The digital architecture design today: a crossroads between tradition and technology.
- Marina Mele: Soft Skills Consultant, Executive Coach, Counsellor for career guidance, Lecturer in Business Coaching and Enneagram The new technologies and the change caused in people: discomfort or opportunity?
16,50 – 17,00 Networking break
17,00 – 18,00
- Barbara Vecchi: Founder of HopenlyDigital girls: professional growth, training, active and informed participation, creativity.
- Debate
- Conclusions

Goldmann & Partners Open Day for MoMoWo_8 March 2018
On March 8, 2018, from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., on the occasion of International Women’s Rights Day, the third MoMoWo Open Day, “Women’s creativity since the Modern Movement“, will occur. It is the first project selected and funded by the European Union dedicated to professional women – architects, civil engineers, and designers – that is, women active in the world of design and construction.
In this context, architect Isabella Goldmann will open the doors of Goldmann & Partners to tell the story, projects, and research that make this firm one of the primary references in the field of sustainability.
The initiative will take place simultaneously in Portugal, Spain, Slovenia, Slovakia, and Italy, i.e., in some of the partner countries of the MoMoWo project or other countries that would like to host the activity.
The Open Day allows designers to promote their work and professional identity to a broad audience and students and young people entering the world of work, craftsmen, construction companies, and businesses.
This year’s MoMoWo Open Day in Italy cooperates with A.I.D.I.A. – Associazione Italiana Donne Ingegneri e Architetti (Italian Association of Women Engineers and Architects).

On November 29th, 2017 the presentation of the book “Fashion Change”, edited and published by Connecting Cultures, was held at the Fondazione Gianfranco Ferré in Milano. The book collects the reflections of the community of entrepreneurs, scholars, technicians, intellectuals and fashion designers formed around the Out of Fashion project.
Isabella Goldmann, Managing Partner and Director of Goldmann & Partners Center for Applied Sustainability Studies, has contributed to the realization of this book. She also participates as a teacher in the Out of Fashion training course, designed by Connecting Cultures in the field of sustainable, ethical and conscious fashion, outlining the scientific aspects of retail architecture that contribute to making it a place where to communicate the fashion product in the most correct way and where to establish a proper relationship with the consumer.

Goldmann & Partners partecipated to the 2017 World Architecture Festival that took place in Berlin from November 15th to 17th.
This event is a professional opportunity to share views about the innovations on architecture.
WAF 2017 was focused on the performative quality of different architectural typologies and themes including housing, public spaces, festivals, cultural institutions and new technologies.

Finance and sustainability
On November 14th, 2017 the conference “Finance and Sustainability: responsible investments protagonists of the change” (organized by BAA Bocconi Alumni Association and Assolombarda) was held at the Assolombarda – Milan headquarters.
Dr. Alessandro Cremona (president of Goldmann & Partners) and other representatives of companies related to the Italian financial sector, discussed the issue of new investments focused on a sustainable future.

Italy to build
On Friday November 10th 2017, the annual conference of Il Quotidiano Immobiliare was held at Innovation Campus Milano, this year dedicated to the theme “Italy to build“, where the Italian real estate industry met to take stock of the role of the Italian real estate sector.
Isabella Goldmann (managing partner of Goldmann & Partners) made a speech on the eight sustainability measures that help to define the optimum sustainability report for each building.

MILANO – Iconic Architecture
Milano Iconic architecture, a photo workshop, has been held on October 28th and 29th, 2017. The workshop aims to convey the complex view of architecture photography, as ideal and exemplary communication tool, through a dive into the languages differences that the photographer – architect must face in different situations. The event was structured in two days of photo workshop, in 4 different iconic locations in the city of Milan.
The workshop was held by Architect Isabella Goldmann, who has described the peculiarities of the buildings and their role in the urban context, and Master Sandro Santioli, a professional photographer, author of several articles for National Geographic and professor at Nikon School. The event, not intended only for architects, has been a full immersion in the complexity of Milan’s urban environment and its features: the eye of the photographer were being useful in capturing aspects of architecture that are usually ignored or underestimated.